Korean Guys
Well, cis-het men are not the only ones upset with the blown-out trend of Korean guys, and Indian women swooning over them.
We’ve often heard of cis-het Indian men complain that they all got jacked and grew thick beards for women (yea right, you’re all doing it to impress each-other and not women imo), and then Indian women ended up crushing on Korean men (from Korean dramas/K-dramas). Korean men, who look like masculine women.
And, that’s the complain I have now!
I never cared, earlier, but recently I watched the recently released Season 2 of the Netflix series called XO Kitty. It was all cute and stuff in Season 1. Spoiler alert coming up. Season 1 was all cute and shit when an American-Korean girl comes to Seoul, Korea, to re-unite with her long-distance Korean boyfriend, only to realise that she has feelings for another. A girl in the same class as her boyfriend. And I have to say, this new girl is way, way more awesome than her incumbent boyfriend. Anyway, the incumbent boyfriend is pretty good too, a cute and nice guy, and a devoted friend. Okay, season 1 was like woah! But it never really made be feel what I am feeling toward the Korean men trend now.
Now, the end of Season 1 saw Kitty, the main character, coming to Korea for her boyfriend, Dae, but developing romantic feelings for Yuri, the girl, instead. Her first, might I say.
But, then comes Min Ho!
And here comes my anger, and jealousy in Season 2!
Dae is nice, Dae is sweet, Dae is cute, Dae is good-looking. But, Min-Ho! Ouch. Full-on bad-boy vibes, which I’m sure girls love. I mean if Min-Ho was a female character, I’d have swooned over that bitch too! But right now I am so angry. Min-Ho looks like a Masc Lesbian. He just looks like a masculine, tall girl. And this is who Kitty will fall for in Season 2?
Why not Yuri?
If she has to be with someone so feminine-looking, why not the fucking female instead?
And Yuri is cool. Fine she doesn’t have a particularly inclined personality — she’s neither shown to be a cute, nice girl, nor a bad-boy/bitch-girl. At least not in Season 2 anymore. But that’s what’s so endearing. She’s just a regular girl, with her regular problems. No over the top act. But no! That’s not what we’re gravitating toward, now, are we?
We’re gravitating toward Min-Ho with his bad-boy charm but his deeply scarred heart underneath. Omg. Can we please be done with that already?
I am so angry and my jealousy is peaking these days!
And, I’m going to say it!
If women had to fall for Korean guys, why not just fall for women?
If Indian women had to fall for Korean guys, why not fall for women instead?
If bisexual Indian women have to fall for Korean guys, why not fall for Masc Lesbians instead?
I know it doesn’t work like that. I know we can’t choose or control who we’re into. I know if we’re sexually and romantically attracted to one sex/gender, then it doesn’t really matter so much if they’re masculine-presenting or feminine-presenting, we still got the hots for them!
But, I just can’t help but hate Min-Ho, be jealous of all men, especially the Korean guys, and be so, so angry at cis-het women! I mean, come on? I guess I’m also angry at the systems at large. If it’s okay to fall for guys who practically look like women, why is it not okay to fall for women? Why are women not allowed to fall for other women?
I can probably not express the burning fire inside me each time I look at Min-Ho on the screen in season 2, but I am burning!
I think I’m realising, for the first time, that I am a fucking fire sign (zodiac-wise). Because I feel like just burning this shit down… and waking in a reality where beautiful (or ugly or average) women get up and just go around loving each-other. No fucking build-ups that lead nowhere, and no horny men walking-in on them. Just honest privacy to deeply accompany each-other.
Women, am I right?
I know I am right (at least to feel what I am feeling, even if not logically and pragmatically right). I do feel that if we didn’t have all these weird-ass systems defining and making people adhere to hard-core masculinity and feminity, so many more people would be free to be who they are, or feel like being atm, and hence free to be with who they really feel like being with, truly, in the moment.
In fact, I feel like the K-drama trend came a little too late if anything. I wish we’d normalised very cis-het women crushing on very feminine-looking men long, long back. And maybe, by transitivity, normalised, women crushing on women, very feminine-looking women, or sometimes very masculine-looking women.
It would’ve been amazing to not lose the first 10 years of an adult life trying to find a fit in the society, and still preserve a fit in the own self.
Well, I am swooning over Yuri. No matter who Kitty is swooning over. And I truly truly loved the way they showed how Kitty felt, when she is swooning over Yuri. I wish they’d shown such feelings, so beautifully and tangibly portrayed ten years back.
To more Yuri and Kitty moments. And to more loving more women loving Korean guys!